About me

My name is Mark. I'm a Full Stack Developer and digital nomad, actualy live in wonderful Sweden city — Malmö and build digital services around the world

My approach is build products which helps extract the essence of business challenges and provide you through cleverly designed solutions

Know more in my CV

My Skills

Web Design

I create web design which provide a great user experience according the exact needs of the user

Web Development

I build personalized and scalable web sites that’s tailored to your business

Web Apps

I develop custom-made, web applications like CRM's for different kind of needs

My Handmade Playlists

Here I coollected some music which helps me to work

Mark Vi Face
Mark Vi / Jan 2023


I'm working as a Full Stack Developer Extraordinaire, CRM/ERP Systems Guru

Yo! I'm Mark.

I graduated from IMSIT Krasnodar back in 2009 with a Bachelor's degree in Information Technologies. I've been in love with coding ever since. I work with all sorts of cool stuff like PostgreSQL, ExpressJs, AdonisJs, VueJs, and Laravel Framework. And yes, I am not afraid of html and css 😉

What I Do

I've spent my career as a solo full stack developer, cranking out custom CRM/ERP systems and web applications. I get a real kick out of UI design, too. Over the years, I've launched three fintech CRM / Backend systems that not only work super smoothly but also generate me some sweet passive income.

Passion Projects

I'm all about automation. If there's a problem in my day-to-day life, like needing to manage my income or remember to fertilize my plants (yep, I'm a bit of a green thumb), I'll write an app to solve it. Plus, it gives me an excuse to play around with a new tech stack. Win-win, right?

Who I Am

Creativity is my secret weapon. I'm quick on my feet, coming up with solutions to problems before they become issues. I take my reputation seriously - I'm reliable and committed to every project I work on.

Fun Facts

In my downtime, you can find me composing tunes, tending to my indoor plant collection, or designing UIs for fun.

Holla At Me

Got a project you think I'd be perfect for? Want to chat about tech, music, plants, or anything in between? Hit me up via email or Telegram. Can't wait to hear from you!

And yeah, I speak English, Spanish and Russian